
Pentair screenlogic connect
Pentair screenlogic connect

pentair screenlogic connect

  • Set a target heating temperature for a specific body of water (spa/pool).
  • Set a heating mode for a specific body of water (spa/pool).
  • The following actions can be performed with methods on the ScreenLogicGateway object: Example from screenlogicpy import ScreenLogicGateway, discovery hosts = await discovery.async_discover()Ĭhanged in v0.5.0: This method is now an async coroutine. Each protocol adapter is represented as a dict object that can then be directly used to instanciate a ScreenLogicGateway class. The discovery module's async_discover() function can be used to get a list of all discovered ScreenLogic protocol adapters on the local network. When done, use async_disconnect() to close the connection to the protocol adapter.

    pentair screenlogic connect

    The consuming application may get this data at anytime with the get_data() method. That data is cached as a dict object for continued reference by the consuming application. The ScreenLogicGateway class updates all data at once from the ScreenLogic protocol adapter. The calling application is responsible for maintaining reasonable intervals between updates.Ĭhanged in v0.5.0: This method is now an async coroutine and no longer disconnects from the protocol adapter after polling the data.

    pentair screenlogic connect

    Warning: This method is not rate-limited.

  • Status and settings for any configured salt chlorine generators.
  • Detailed information for each configured pump.
  • #Pentair screenlogic connect update

    This update consists of sending requests for: Once connected, all available data can be polled with the async_update() coroutine. This method also performs the initial polling of the pool controller configuration. Once instanciated, use async_connect() to connect and logon to the ScreenLogic protocol adapter. Connecting to a ScreenLogic Protocol Adapter Gateway = ScreenLogicGateway(".x")Ĭhanged in v0.5.0: Instanciating the gateway no longer automatically connects to the protocol adapter or performs an initial update. from screenlogicpy import ScreenLogicGateway The ScreenLogicGateway class is the primary interface. Relevant methods now require the async/await syntax. New for v0.5.0: The screenlogicpy library has moved over to using asyncio for all network I/O. The screenlogicpy package can be installed from PyPI using pip. Screenlogicpy is an interface for Pentair ScreenLogic connected pool controllers over IP via python using asyncio.

    Pentair screenlogic connect